There are three ways to contact Dr Hyer.

By email directly to Dr Hyer:

Email Dr Hyer directly on If you keep your query brief, he will endeavor to reply swiftly.

Or email his PA and secretaries on

Andrea Brooks direct email is:

Louise Kapln direct email is: 

By phoning - Mon - Fri:

Tracey Dunn, Louise Kaplan and Andrea Brooks are his full time Practice managers. They work Mon - Fri from 8.30am - 5pm. If you have queries related to your child's condition, please phone them on 020 8866 8816. If Tracey, Andrea or Louise are away from the phone, or not at their desks, then leave a message with your contact telephone numbers on the answer machine and they will return your call.

Louise Kaplan (L) and Tracey Dunn (R)

Postal address: It is preferable to contact Dr Hyer by email. If a letter needs to be posted, please send to Dr Hyer, Clementine Churchill Hospital, Harrow Middx, HA1 3RX